
8 Image Editing tools in Photoshop to use Edit Photos

Posted on 1 Jan 2023 / In Image Editing

Imagine that one picture which is going up on your wall. The photo which will make your guests go wow. People are just going to stare at it and wish for such a moment in their life. What do you need for such a picture? A $3,000 digital SLR camera? Well, $400 one will also do combined with the right technology. In Photoshop, you have tools to remove background, enhance contrast and even remove spots. Before going on to the list, consider the following image.

Photo Editing

Go from the first to third. The edited version (with Photoshop) is obviously more eye-catching than the original one. Right combinations of tools here and there and you have a fantastic image like this. Here is a list of 8 such Photoshop tools which you can use to attain such level of expertise.

Camera Raw

This can be used to flatten an image before applying the next series of editing tools. Even before you remove background from image, using this tool helps a lot. You have sliders for setting shadows and highlights. A dull highlight with flat shadow will set your picture up for further editing.

Adobe Camera Raw

Such is the effect of using camera raw correctly. A flattened image can now be enhanced to any extent now.

Clone Stamp

This tool is used to lighten an image. If a particular area is lacking details, for instance, a plain background or skin of a subject, this tool can be quite useful. Adjust opacity around 15-20% and use it on sky and patterns.

Clone Stamp

The picture shows the use of clone stamp. All facial ridges were smoothened using this tool. You can also use it to remove any unnecessary background or clear skies out of birds.

Frequency Separation

This tool works magic while removing spots or marks on a picture. This enhances the overall look and is a technique applied on skin and backdrops. Also, use frequency separation tool on images of clothes after you remove background from them. It brings the product into more focus.

Frequency Separation

Spots around the eyes and nose are removed using this tool. It not only portrays a clearer image but the face is also enhanced to some extent.

Layer Masks

Layer Mask

The above picture is the perfect example of the use of layer masks. Another great tool to utilise after you remove background from image. You can create separate layers with Hue and Saturation adjusted and add it to your original photo. Also, you can have layers of patterns and other objects to use as an add-on.

Blending modes

This particular tool is rarely used but is actually quite effective. You can combine a soft light blending mode and mix it with the black & white layer to use it on your picture. A normal setting will affect both saturation and contrast, but using blending modes effectively will only change the contrast only.

Blend Mode

The above picture uses such a combination of blending modes. There is a total of 26 modes available in this section with Photoshop. You can use different combinations to bring out the best out of your picture.

Curve Adjustment

Contrast adjustment using slide bars is alright, but curve adjustment gives you more control. Use a slightly S-curve and notice the difference instantly. This adds a light bit of highlighting and gives your picture that extra glow without making it look fake. Proper colour shifts after you remove background can go a long way to enhance the overall quality if of the picture.

Curve Adjustment

Colour Balance

You know what it does but how often do you apply it? This tool is quite handy after all the above have been implemented. You turn a yellow-intensive picture slightly brownish and suddenly the overall frame takes a new form. Use this tool to tune your image’s colour, adjust hue and its saturation effect.

Colour Balance

Is the bluish image looking better or the white balanced one? You will not have control over ambient lighting when you take the snap, but you can always balance the colours later.

Dodge and Burn

And the effect it gives is fantastic. After you remove background from image, use this to define its contrast, edges, shadows and the backdrop by a large extent. Take the following picture for example.

Dodge and Burn

Certainly, the lion looks way better after editing than before. Notice the patches below its eyes, along its whiskers and its mouth is quite visible now. No doubt this tool is quite useful.

Photoshop is a very powerful tool when it comes to image editing. Apart from this list of 8 tools, there are way more which you can employ to enhance the look of your picture. Most experts out there do more than simply “remove background and put a fancy pattern.” If technology is available, make use of it.